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7019 N ASHLAND AVE, Chicago, IL, 60626

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Begin: Your local time: 03:00 pm
End: Your local time: 06:00 pm
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Physical Examination and Immunization Services

The State of Illinois requires all students to have a Physical Examination (PE) completed within one year prior to entry to PreK and Kindergarten with lead screening completed through age 6 years old. A PE is also required within one year prior to entry for 6th and 9th grade students OR students age 5, 11, and 15 years old in un-graded programs. Lastly, a PE is required within one year prior to entry for any student entering CPS for the first time.

Evidence shows that healthy students have better attendance patterns and perform better academically.

The State of Illinois requires CPS students to be up to date with the following school REQUIRED immunizations: Diphtheria/Pertussis/Tetanus (DTP, DTaP and/or Tdap), Polio (IPV), Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR), Hepatitis B (HepB), Varicella (VAR; Chicken Pox), Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib), Pneumococcal Conjugate (PCV13), and Meningitis Conjugate (MCV4, MenACWY).

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all children be up to date with the following RECOMMENDED immunizations, when eligible: Influenza (IIV4, LAIV4), SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), Human papillomavirus (HPV), Hepatitis A (HepA), Meningococcal B (MenB), Pneumococcal Polysaccharide (PPSV23), and Rotavirus (RV1, RV5).

Physical Examination and All Immunization Services (School REQUIRED and RECOMMENDED)

Physical Examination and All Immunization Services (School REQUIRED and RECOMMENDED)

By selecting this option, your child will only be considered for both physical examination and immunization services (school REQUIRED and RECOMMENDED). Reviews of both Aspen and the State of Illinois' Department of Public Health's (IDPH) ICARE records will be done in advance to confirm your child's eligibility for any dose.

1 currently available


Physical Examination and REQUIRED Immunization Services Only

Physical Examination and REQUIRED Immunization Services Only

By selecting this option, your child will only be considered for both physical exam and school REQUIRED immunizations services. Reviews of both Aspen and the State of Illinois' Department of Public Health's (IDPH) ICARE records will be done in advance to confirm your child's eligibility for any dose.

Your child will not be considered for school RECOMMENDED immunizations when selecting this option.

1 currently available


Physical Examination and RECOMMENDED Immunization Services Only

Physical Examination and RECOMMENDED Immunization Services Only

By selecting this option, your child will only be considered for both physical exam and school RECOMMENDED immunizations services. Reviews of both Aspen and the State of Illinois' Department of Public Health's (IDPH) ICARE records will be done in advance to confirm your child's eligibility for any dose.

Your child will not be considered for school REQUIRED immunizations when selecting this option.

1 currently available


Physical Examination Only

The State of Illinois requires all students to have a Physical Examination (PE) completed within one year prior to entry to PreK and Kindergarten with lead screening completed through age 6 years old. A PE is also required within one year prior to entry for 6th and 9th grade students OR students age 5, 11, and 15 years old in un-graded programs. Lastly, a PE is required within one year prior to entry for any student entering CPS for the first time.

Physical Examination Only

Physical Examination Only

By selecting this option, your child will only be considered physical examination services.

Your child will not be considered for any immunization services when selecting this option.

1 currently available


Immunization Services Only

Evidence shows that healthy students have better attendance patterns and perform better academically.

The State of Illinois requires CPS students to be up to date with the following school REQUIRED immunizations: Diphtheria/Pertussis/Tetanus (DTP, DTaP and/or Tdap), Polio (IPV), Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR), Hepatitis B (HepB), Varicella (VAR; Chicken Pox), Haemophilus Influenzae type B (Hib), Pneumococcal Conjugate (PCV13), and Meningitis Conjugate (MCV4, MenACWY).

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all children be up to date with the following RECOMMENDED immunizations, when eligible: Influenza (IIV4, LAIV4), SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), Human papillomavirus (HPV), Hepatitis A (HepA), Meningococcal B (MenB), Pneumococcal Polysaccharide (PPSV23), and Rotavirus (RV1, RV5).

All Immunizations (School REQUIRED and RECOMMENDED)

All Immunizations (School REQUIRED and RECOMMENDED)

By selecting this option, your child will only be considered for both school REQUIRED and RECOMMENDED immunizations. Reviews of both Aspen and the State of Illinois' Department of Public Health's (IDPH) ICARE records will be done in advance to confirm your child's eligibility for any dose.

Your child will not be considered for a physical examination when selecting this option.

10 currently available


School REQUIRED Immunizations Only

School REQUIRED Immunizations Only

By selecting this option, your child will only be considered for school REQUIRED immunizations. Reviews of both Aspen and the State of Illinois' Department of Public Health's (IDPH) ICARE records will be done in advance to confirm your child's eligibility for any dose.

Your child will not be considered for a physical examination or school RECOMMENDED immunizations when selecting this option.

10 currently available


School RECOMMENDED Immunizations Only

School RECOMMENDED Immunizations Only

By selecting this option, your child will only be considered for school RECOMMENDED immunizations. Reviews of both Aspen and the State of Illinois' Department of Public Health's (IDPH) ICARE records will be done in advance to confirm your child's eligibility for any dose.

Your child will not be considered for a physical examination or school REQUIRED immunizations when selecting this option.

10 currently available


Adult COVID-19 & Influenza Immunizations - 19yo and older

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all adults be up to date with their immunizations, including, but not limited to, COVID-19 and Influenza.

COVID-19 and Flu immunization dose supply for adults at these events are extremely limited and we encourage those interested to instead receive their vaccine doses at either their Primary Care Provider, their nearest Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), a Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) event, or a location listed on

Should this Health Clinic event still be the only reasonable option for an insured adult to receive any of these doses, they should be aware that additional costs, including, but not limited to co-pays, may be charged and billed to the on a later date after dose administration. Please talk to your insurance provider prior to using the services at a CPS School to avoid any inconveniences.

Find your nearest FQHC -

CDPH Event Calendar -

COVID-19 and Influenza Immunizations - 19-64yo

COVID-19 and Influenza Immunizations - 19-64yo

By selecting this option, you will be considered for both COVID-19 and Influenza immunizations. Review of the State of Illinois' Department of Public Health's (IDPH) ICARE records will be done in advance to confirm your eligibility for any dose.

Please note that by selecting this option, you will receive the standard Influenza immunization dose, NOT the high-dose immunization; recommended for those aged 65yo and older.

10 currently available


COVID-19 and Influenza Immunizations - 65yo and older

COVID-19 and Influenza Immunizations - 65yo and older

By selecting this option, you will be considered for both COVID-19 and Influenza immunizations. Review of the State of Illinois' Department of Public Health's (IDPH) ICARE records will be done in advance to confirm your eligibility for any dose.

Please note that by selecting this option, you will receive the high-dose influenza immunization; recommended for those aged 65yo and older.

2 currently available


COVID-19 Immunization ONLY - 19yo and older

COVID-19 Immunization ONLY - 19yo and older

By selecting this option, you will be considered for the COVID-19 immunization ONLY. Review of the State of Illinois' Department of Public Health's (IDPH) ICARE records will be done in advance to confirm your eligibility for any dose.

Please note that by selecting this option, you will NOT receive any Influenza immunization dose.

10 currently available


Influenza Immunization ONLY - 19-64yo

Influenza Immunization ONLY - 19-64yo

By selecting this option, you will be considered for the STANDARD Influenza immunization ONLY. Review of the State of Illinois' Department of Public Health's (IDPH) ICARE records will be done in advance to confirm your eligibility for any dose.

Please note that by selecting this option, you will NOT receive any COVID-19 immunization dose. Those aged 65yo and older are recommended to receive the High-Dose Influenza Immunization.

10 currently available


Influenza Immunization ONLY - 65yo and older

Influenza Immunization ONLY - 65yo and older

By selecting this option, you will be considered for the HIGH DOSE Influenza immunization ONLY. Review of the State of Illinois' Department of Public Health's (IDPH) ICARE records will be done in advance to confirm your eligibility for any dose.

Please note that by selecting this option, you will NOT receive any COVID-19 immunization dose. Those aged 65yo and older are recommended to receive the High-Dose Influenza Immunization.

2 currently available


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